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Step 2.3 Visualization solar envelope

Visualization of the solar envelope

0. Initialization

importing packages and lattices

import os
import topogenesis as tg
import pyvista as pv
import trimesh as tm
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# loading the envelope lattice from csv
lattice_path = os.path.relpath('../Data/dynamic output/voxelized_envelope.csv')
env_lattice = tg.lattice_from_csv(lattice_path)
# loading the sunaccess lattice from csv
lattice_path = os.path.relpath('../Data/raw data/sun_access.csv')
sun_acc_lattice = tg.lattice_from_csv(lattice_path)
env_lattice = sun_acc_lattice > 0.0
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

base_lattice = env_lattice

# Set the grid dimensions: shape + 1 because we want to inject our values on the CELL data
grid = pv.UniformGrid()
grid.dimensions = np.array(base_lattice.shape) + 1
# The bottom left corner of the data set
grid.origin = base_lattice.minbound - base_lattice.unit * 0.5
# These are the cell sizes along each axis
grid.spacing = base_lattice.unit 

# adding the boundingbox wireframe
p.add_mesh(grid.outline(), color="grey", label="Domain")

# adding the availability lattice

# adding axes
p.show_bounds(grid="back", location="back", color="#aaaaaa")

def create_mesh(value):
    lattice = (sun_acc_lattice < value) * env_lattice

    # Add the data values to the cell data
    grid.cell_arrays["Agents"] = lattice.flatten(order="F").astype(int)  # Flatten the array!
    # filtering the voxels
    threshed = grid.threshold([0.9, 1.1])
    # adding the voxels
    p.add_mesh(threshed, name='sphere', show_edges=True, opacity=1.0, show_scalar_bar=False)


p.add_slider_widget(create_mesh, [0, 1], title='zon', value=0, event_type="always", style="classic")
sun_acc_lattice_flat = sun_acc_lattice.flatten()
for i in range(len(sun_acc_lattice_flat)):
    if sun_acc_lattice_flat[i] < 0.75: #vary this value to increase or decrease the envelope size
        sun_acc_lattice_flat[i] = False
        sun_acc_lattice_flat[i] = True
sun_acc_lattice_bool = (sun_acc_lattice_flat > 0).tolist() 
sun_acc_lattice_bool = np.array(sun_acc_lattice_bool) #array conversion
sun_acc_lattice_bool = sun_acc_lattice_bool.reshape(sun_acc_lattice.shape) #lattice shape
sun_acc_lattice_minmax = tg.to_lattice(sun_acc_lattice_bool, sun_acc_lattice) #lattice creation

#p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)
#Visualizing the final envelope
# convert mesh to pv_mesh
def tri_to_pv(tri_mesh):
    faces = np.pad(tri_mesh.faces, ((0, 0),(1,0)), 'constant', constant_values=3)
    pv_mesh = pv.PolyData(tri_mesh.vertices, faces)
    return pv_mesh

# Visualize the mesh using pyvista plotter

# initiating the plotter
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

# fast visualization of the lattice

# adding the meshes
p.add_mesh(tri_to_pv(context_mesh), opacity=0.1, style='wireframe')