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Solar Envelope


# initialization
import numpy, topogenesis, ladybug, ...
load optional_envelope.obj, immediate_context.obj
read voxelized_envelope_lowres.csv & transform to envelope_lattice

# compute sum vectors
set latitude & longitute
for the first day of each month:
    for 24 hours:
        calculate sun_vector
        if sun_vector below horizontal:
            add sun_vector
rotate sun_vector by 36.324

# create sun directions and sun sources
for cen in voxel_cens:
    for sun_dir in sun_vector:
(do the same but negative to obtian ray_dir2)

# calculation
tri_id, ray_id = context_mesh.ray.intersects_id(ray_src, ray_dir, multiple_hits=False)
tri_id2, ray_id2 = context_mesh.ray.intersects_id(ray_src, ray_dir2, multiple_hits=False)

# calculate the percentage of hitting
for voxels:
    for rays:
        add hits to the corresponding voxel
    compute hits/(total rays)
    store the result

# transform to a lattice
for flattened avail lattice:
    if avail:
        append the percentage
        append 0
reshape to create a lattice

# visualization and saving
save to csv

0. Initialization

0.1. Importing all necessary libraries

import os
import topogenesis as tg
import pyvista as pv
import trimesh as tm
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ladybug.sunpath import Sunpath

# convert mesh to pv_mesh
def tri_to_pv(tri_mesh):
    faces = np.pad(tri_mesh.faces, ((0, 0),(1,0)), 'constant', constant_values=3)
    pv_mesh = pv.PolyData(tri_mesh.vertices, faces)
    return pv_mesh

1. Import Meshes (context + envelope)

1.1. Load Meshes

envelope_path = os.path.relpath('../data/raw data/optional_envelope.obj')
context_path = os.path.relpath('../data/raw data/immediate_context.obj')

# load the mesh from file
envelope_mesh = tm.load(envelope_path)
context_mesh = tm.load(context_path)

# Check if the mesh is watertight

1.2. Load the low resolution voxelized envelop

# loading the lattice from csv
lattice_path = os.path.relpath('../data/dynamic output/voxelized_envelope_lowres.csv')
envelope_lattice = tg.lattice_from_csv(lattice_path)

2. Sun Vectors

2.1. Compute Sun Vectors

# initiate sunpath
sp = Sunpath(longitude=4.3571, latitude=52.0116)

# define sun hours : A list of hours of the year for each sun vector
# there are 8760 hours in a year, so the following integers refer to specific hours throughout the year
hoys = []
sun_vectors = []
day_multiples = 90
# for each day of the year ...
for d in range(365):
    # if it is one of the multiples
    if d%day_multiples==0:
        # for each hour of the day ...
        for h in range(24):
            # compute the hoy (hour of the year)
            hoy = d*24 + h
            # compute the sun object
            sun = sp.calculate_sun_from_hoy(hoy)
            # extract the sun vector (the direction that the sun ray travels toward)
            sun_vector = sun.sun_vector.to_array()
            # evidently, if the Z component of sun vector is positive, 
            # the sun is under the horizon 
            if sun_vector[2] < 0.0:

sun_vectors = np.array(sun_vectors)
# compute the rotation matrix 
Rz = tm.transformations.rotation_matrix(np.radians(36.324), [0,0,1])
# Rotate the sun vectors to match the site rotation
sun_vectors = tm.transform_points(sun_vectors, Rz)

2.2. Visualize Sun Vectors

# Visualize the mesh using pyvista plotter
# initiating the plotter
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

# fast visualization of the lattice

# adding the meshes
p.add_mesh(tri_to_pv(context_mesh), color='#aaaaaa')

# add the sun locations, color orange
p.add_points( - sun_vectors * 300, color='#ffa500')

# plotting

3. Compute Intersection of Sun Rays with Context Mesh

3.1. Preparing the List of Ray Directions and Origins

# constructing the sun direction from the sun vectors in a numpy array

converted_sun_vectors = sun_vectors.astype('float16')
sun_dirs = -np.array(converted_sun_vectors)

# exract the centroids of the envelope voxels
vox_cens = envelope_lattice.centroids

# shooting from the voxel centroids towards the sun to check if voxels are in the shadows of context buildings
ray_dir = []
ray_src = []
for v_cen in vox_cens:
    for s_dir in sun_dirs:

# shooting from the voxel centroids in the opposite way of the sun to see if the voxels cast shadows on context buildings
ray_dir2 = []
ray_dir2_index = []
for v_cen in vox_cens:
    for s_dir in converted_sun_vectors:

# converting the list of directions and sources to numpy array
ray_dir = np.array(ray_dir)
ray_src = np.array(ray_src)
ray_dir2 = np.array(ray_dir2)

# Further info: this is the vectorised version of nested for loops
ray_dir = np.tile(sun_dirs, [len(vox_cens),1])
ray_src = np.tile(vox_cens, [1, len(sun_dirs)]).reshape(-1, 3)

print("number of voxels to shoot rays from :",vox_cens.shape)
print("number of rays per each voxel :",sun_dirs.shape)
print("number of rays to be shooted :",ray_src.shape)

3.2. Computing the Intersection

# computing the intersections of rays with the context mesh
tri_id, ray_id = context_mesh.ray.intersects_id(ray_origins=ray_src, ray_directions=ray_dir, multiple_hits=False)
# computing the intersections of the inverted rays with the context mesh
tri_id2, ray_id2 = context_mesh.ray.intersects_id(ray_origins=ray_src, ray_directions=ray_dir2, multiple_hits=False)

4. Aggregate Simulation Result in the Sun Access Lattice

4.1. Compute the percentage of time that each voxel sees the sun

# initializing the hits list full of zeros
hits = [0]*len(ray_dir)
hits2 = [0]*len(ray_dir2)

# setting the rays that had an intersection to 1
for id in ray_id:
    hits[id] = 1 # sun access
for id2 in ray_id2:
    hits2[id2] = 1 # sun blockage


# initiazing the lists of voxel that have access to the sun and voxels that are being blocked
vox_sun_acc = []
vox_sun_blockage = []

for v_id in range(vox_count):
    int_count = 0 # sun access
    int_count2 = 0 #sun blockacge
    for s_id in range(sun_count):
        r_id = s_id + v_id * sun_count

        # summing intersections
        int_count += hits[r_id]
        # cheking if the ray gets hit on the way to the voxel, if yes then add to int_count2
        if hits[r_id]==0:
            int_count2 += hits2[r_id]

    # computing the percentage of rays that did not have an intersection --> could see the sun
    sun_access = 1.0 - int_count/sun_count 
    # computing the percentage of rays that did  have an intersection -->  could not see the sun
    sun_blockage = 1.0 - int_count2/sun_count

    #add the ratio to the list

# converting the lists to a numpy array
vox_sun_acc = np.array(vox_sun_acc)
vox_sun_blockage = np.array(vox_sun_blockage)

4.2. Store sun access information in a Lattice

# getting the condition of all voxels: are they inside the envelope or not
env_all_vox = envelope_lattice.flatten()

# all voxels sun access
all_vox_sun_acc = []
all_vox_sun_blockage = []

# v_id: voxel id in the list of only interior voxels
v_id = 0

# for all the voxels, place the interiority condition of each voxel in "vox_in"
for vox_in in env_all_vox:
    # if the voxel was inside...
    if vox_in == True:
        # read its value of sun access and append it to the list of all voxel sun access
        # add one to the voxel id so the next time we read the next voxel
        v_id += 1
    # if the voxel was not inside... 
        # add 0.0 for its sun access

# convert to array
sunacc_array = np.array(all_vox_sun_acc)
sunblockage_array = np.array(all_vox_sun_blockage)

# reshape to lattice shape
sunacc_array = sunacc_array.reshape(envelope_lattice.shape)
sunblockage_array = sunblockage_array.reshape(envelope_lattice.shape)

# convert to lattice
sunacc_lattice = tg.to_lattice(sunacc_array, envelope_lattice)
sunblockage_lattice = tg.to_lattice(sunblockage_array, envelope_lattice)


4.3. Visualize the sun access lattice

# initiating the plotter
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

l = sunacc_lattice

# Create the spatial reference
grid = pv.UniformGrid()

# Set the grid dimensions: shape because we want to inject our values
grid.dimensions = l.shape
# The bottom left corner of the data set
grid.origin = l.minbound
# These are the cell sizes along each axis
grid.spacing = l.unit

# Add the data values to the cell data
grid.point_arrays["Sun Access"] = l.flatten(order="F")  # Flatten the Lattice

# adding the meshes
p.add_mesh(tri_to_pv(context_mesh), opacity=0.1, style='wireframe')

# adding the volume
opacity = np.array([0,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6])*1.5
p.add_volume(grid, cmap="coolwarm", clim=[0, 1.0],opacity=opacity, shade=False)

# plotting
# initiating the plotter
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=True)

l = sunblockage_lattice

# Create the spatial reference
grid = pv.UniformGrid()

# Set the grid dimensions: shape because we want to inject our values
grid.dimensions = l.shape
# The bottom left corner of the data set
grid.origin = l.minbound
# These are the cell sizes along each axis
grid.spacing = l.unit

# Add the data values to the cell data
grid.point_arrays["Sun Blockage"] = l.flatten(order="F")  # Flatten the Lattice

# adding the meshes
p.add_mesh(tri_to_pv(context_mesh), opacity=0.1, style='wireframe')

# adding the volume
opacity = np.array([0,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6,0.6])*1.5
p.add_volume(grid, cmap="coolwarm", clim=[0, 1.0],opacity=opacity, shade=False)

# plotting

Saving to csv

# save the sun access latice to csv
csv_path = os.path.relpath('../data/dynamic output/sun_access_lowres.csv')

# save the sun blockage latice to csv
csv_path = os.path.relpath('../data/dynamic output/sun_blockage_lowres.csv')

# We store first and do interpolation
# The cut of voxel will be based on the result of interpolation


__author__ = "Shervin Azadi and Pirouz Nourian"
__license__ = "MIT"
__version__ = "1.0"
__url__ = ""
__summary__ = "Spatial Computing Design Studio Workshop on Solar Envelope"